1-787-905-7575 service@cortesindustrial.com En Español

Removal, repair and installation of the Super Aqueduct pump

Location: Arecibo PR Return to Projects

Client: Aqueduct and Sewage Authority

  • Superaqueduct pumps feed the Antonio Santiago Vázquez filtration plant, which has a production of 100 million gallons per day (mgd), of which 65 are distributed in the metropolitan area.
  • Drinking water is served from this system to approximately 600 thousand people. From Arecibo to 8 municipalities on the north coast, including part of the metropolitan area, to the municipalities of Caguas, parts of Carolina, and the eastern region.
  • For several years, Cortes Industrial has been in charge of the removal, repair and installation of these important pumps and motors in order to maintain the efficient water supply to customers who rely on this system.